Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Zookoda - free email newsletter manager for bloggers

Previously. i go thru and found out Zookoda. a very nice marketing plan for blogger. What is Zookada ?

An email marketing application designed specifically for bloggers. Zookoda enables you to send a daily, weekly or monthly summary of your latest blog posts directly into your newsletter subscribe inbox. it is totally free and no hidden cost involved!!! it is a content provider for blogger that offer effective ways and attractive news design for sends newsletter in terms of email and mobile content.



  1. Manage your newsletter subscribe.
  2. Enhance your blog email subscription with customization forms.
  3. Design eye- catch newsletter.
  4. recuring schedule broadcast with time frame.
  5. send news to mobile subcriber using text format.
  6. able to generate report abt the newsletter and subscribe.
Finally. this zookoda still remain beta version. Hope all of you are blogger can try the services out and suggest some features to zookoda website.

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